Monday, June 26, 2006

Phal aur Phool

"Where flowers bloom so does hope,
And the fruits will outdo what the flowers have promised"

Leave worries aside and you will be surprised by the beauty of the sky ,the colour of the flowers,the freshness of the fruits and generosity of the sun.You will feel you are part of creation and life will start to make sense.The greatest wealth is to appreciate what we have and what we are.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Theory of Relativity

How to make a line shorter when you cant touch the line itself.Simple just draw another line which is bigger than the first one.The first one automatically becomes shorter.

Its just the perspective which matters.

When you are in a city called Lubbock,you feel its a small place.You can explore it in one day.Move out of lubbock to a place like carlsbad and your viewpoint changes.Lubbock is big now.There are many things to do.Not to forget that Texas Tech is the second largest campus area-wise in the
US of A.

"God is nowhere"
Most people read it as the way you just did.God is no where.
I wonder if any one read it like this- God is now here.
Its all relative and the way you perceive things.A glass half filled with water can alwayz be either "Half Full" or "Half Empty"

2150 Feet DownUnder

Nobody knows that there exists a different world out there unless you see by yourself.The nuclear waste pilot plant located in Southeastern New Mexico has underground disposal rooms for nuclear waste mined 2150 feet underground.The US department of energy makes sure that nobody can enter the site without going through their tight security checks.Everybody welcomes you on your first visit to the WIPP site.Welcome Aboard!! Thats what you hear.Everybody is on a mission there.
First you have to undergo a safety training which explains you the rules and regulations observed.For going underground,you have to wear all the safety equipment in the world-safety glasses,emergency respiratory system,torch lights to what not...and then you are on your way.The shaft as they call it takes you underground.I was scared when it kept on going down for almost 10 min.How deep it is !! What if you are all struck there and can never come out.All kinds of thoughts come into your mind.Well finally we were there and atleast one thing is assured you have your feet on the ground and not stuck in middle of nowhere.Its dark and cold out there.People are working.You follow the red signs you go deep into the mine and green ones bring you back.All kind of medical facilities are available in case of emergencies .There are a whole bunch of people out there who come and work daily down there.They have created their own world.We took a whole round of the mine and saw the entire process.But the only thing on my mind was when are we going back.What if something happens and we all r stuck here.You cannot spend yourentire life out there.I wanna go back and stand under the open sky.It feels so great once you are back up.You can feel the air.You need some sort of determination to work down there.Hats off to people who do.But going there was a privilege and not many people get the opportunity to do so.I consider myself lucky.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Faith or Fate

Faith or fate
The above two words sound pretty similar.
Dictionary meaning
faith : Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
fate : destiny,an event that will inevitably happen in the future

How an outcome in an positive direction lets u to say that was written in my fate or rather in your sub conscious you had the faith that it will.Next time you are confused whats going to be ur future,take 2 chits of paper ,write both the outcomes and keep them in each of your hands .Let it picked by someone you look upto and have a confident belief in the values and ideas of that person.Your faith never betrays you.
Believe me it works.You know what is there in store for you in a moment.Its not about having a magical power or something but your firm faith only which shows you the direction.

We have never seen God but we do have faith in his existance.It is rightly said- Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.